Saturday, January 20, 2007

We're in!

It has taken quite some time to get the house cleaned up enough to take pictures inside, but here we are! Pictures of the (soon to be) nursery will be coming in the next week or two--I wanted to wait until our crib arrives so we can set up the room properly! Also, the Bonus Room is still a little bit of a mess, so I will post those pictures in a few weeks.

Here is the main downstairs area--living room, kitchen, and dining area all open.

living room

dining area

kitchen - viewed from living room

kitchen - viewed from dining area

fireplace and bookcases on the wall opposite the living room

sun room/home office -
just off the kitchen/ living
room area (also misc. storage
at present!)

master bathroom - looking from bedroom
through to closet doorway

master bathroom -- looking from closet
doorway towards bedroom

master bedroom - sliding doors open
to a little deck (too chilly to go outside
now, though!)

master bedroom - viewed from

guest room upstairs